Diary of a Sculpture under Quarantine, Week 2 -

T Barny with AVES in Argentine Onyx.jpg

Hi, I am Sheltering In Place at the TBarny Gallery & Sculpture Gardens. My name is AVES.  I am 18 inches tall, 12 inches wide and  in my gorgeous form I weigh 20 lbs.  When T Barny first got me as a block of stone from Argentina I was much larger and heavier.

T BArny carving AVES

First, T Barny used this big scary diamond chain saw to shave away some of my fat leaving me svelte and much lighter. Then he used some power sanders to carve and smooth me. That tickled a lot but I was happy to see the beauty I had within start to emerge.

AVES rough block.jpg

 Finally he turned me over to his assistant to hand sand and polish me… hmmmm that felt so good, like a lovely long bath, body scrub and massage.

valerie polishing aves

Click on this video to see my 360 degree… You can visit the T Barny Website and find out how you can adopt me. Even under quarantine… I can be shipped (free) directly to you by professional art shippers. Looking forward to having you touch me…

By the way T Barny says he will not title a sculpture until it comes alive in stone. His inspiration for each title comes from the sculpture itself; it can be related to the shape, a feeling the piece gives him, or even circumstances surrounding its carving. The veins and shape of my abstract triangular prism felt like wings extending into the sky, inspiring the title of AVES.

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