Special Musical Guest on International Sculpture Day

This Saturday 4/29 is International Sculpture Day and we have a treat for our attendees. My friends the “Fitch Mountaineers” will be playing from 1 to 4. Bring your dancing shoes.

The Fitch Mountaineers started playing together 9 years ago, we were all taking lessons at the “Speed of Sound Music” in Healdsburg. We play Americana/Bluegrass  covers, in winery’s, tasting rooms, private parties and the farmer’s markets  in Sonoma, Napa, Lake and Mendocino counties. The band members are Angela Garcia-Cook, lead singer and bass guitar;  Kevin Deas, singer, rhythm guitar; Johnny Linker, singer, guitar and banjo; Mark Shipman, lead guitar; Michael Velasquez, mandolin.

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